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Alberta Human Services

Child Care Subsidy


Helping families access Childcare and Preschool Programs.


Do You Qualify?


Click the link to learn more and to apply.

Registration Options


  1. Complete and Submit the Registration Form on our website... on this page to the left.

  2. Download the fillable Registration Form below, and send it to us via e-mail.

  3. Download the fillable Registration Form below, print it, and submit the hard copy in person.

  4. Call or e-mail us and we will gladly forward you all the forms needed to complete registration.

  5. Come in person to our centre. We'll provide you with hard copies of all the forms you need.


If submitting a Regsitration Form via the website or e-mail... don't forget to contact us so we can provide you with other important information and applicable documents such as; medication forms,

bussing/transportation permission forms, the Parent Handbook and Policies & Procedures Manual. 

Kid-Tech Daycare & OSC
Fillable Registration Form

The first day at a new Daycare & OSC can be scary... for kids and parents! Here is a checklist to help you get ready for your first day and hopefully make it a bit easier... for all of you! 


FirstDay Checklist

FirstDay Checklist
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